Macho Man
08 March 2003 & 09:11

Are all men complete wusses when it comes to pain?

I was lying in bed this morning, in that blissful place between sleep and waking - you know, where you are aware that it's getting light out and you should be getting up, but you're still asleep enough to be caught up in your dreams. It's my favorite time of day, because it's the only time when you can sleep while enjoying the knowledge that you are asleep - Heaven! Suddenly, I am wrenched out of my euphoric state by San leaping up in bed, swearing violently, then rolling around moaning. You'd think he was dying or something the way he was going on, that he just noticed his appendix explode or somehow a rattle snake snuck into the bed when he wasn't looking. So I'm a bit worried, you know. I keep asking him what's wrong, and he keeps swearing and moaning and rolling around, and I get more worried because I have never been in so much pain that I could only swear and roll around, not through two major ligament injuries, a torn disk in a really nasty auto accident, or the time I was a kid and impaled my chest on a branch while falling out of a tree. The closest I have ever gotten to being in so much pain that I couldn't speak coherently is the last few horrific menstrual cycles before I finally broke down and got oral contraceptives from the doctor, but even then I could find the voice to curse my womanhood. So anyroad, yeah, San had me a bit frightened.

After about thirty seconds of thrashing and moaning, San relaxes and gasps "muscle cramp." Muscle cramp?! Alright, I know that some muscle cramps can be intense, but honestly? A healthy young man doing nothing more strenuous than SLEEPING should not be getting muscle cramps worth all that. I told him so. "Well, it hurt a lot!" he said. Ah, well then, if it hurt a lot . . .

You know how people are always saying that women have a higher pain threshold than do men? That's why we're the ones stuck with all the joys of childbirth, because men couldn't handle it. (ok, so evolutionarily speaking the pain tolerance likely results from the childbirth, not the other way round - but I prefer to blame it on male inadequacies) I always sort of laughed at comments like that and maybe joke that it�s the result of that poor lopsided chromosome men are stuck with, but I'll admit even I am occasionally fooled by Macho Man, mascot of Patriarchy. Perhaps I should be thanking San for proving me wrong?

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16 April 2003 - Nonsense.

15 April 2003 - The tree in my phone stand

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26 March 2003 - NYC Day 1