28 February 2003 & 15:13

I should apologize to my ankle brace for all the mean things I said about it. It is a delightful little thing and I only regret that I did not learn to appreciate it until it was gone. Did you know that without some sort of seemingly inconvenient device immobilizing your leg, your ankle will actually move when you walk?! Horror! Every pebble, every pinecone, every lumpy bit of ground has my ankle moving every which way. With every step, my heart nearly stops and I find myself terrified that the world is coming to an end . . . or at least that I'm about to demolish my poor ankle again. And you know what? All that moving around hurts! Between walking on bad sidewalks and the strange weather changes we've been having (Dr. Orthopedist informed me that when he reattached the ligament, he also installed a miniature weather station), I am in quite a bit of pain.

I would write more, but I need to run away and let my parents' dog out. I'm housesitting for the weekend, and since my Dad's Compaq is EVIL, we'll see when I make it back online.

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16 April 2003 - Nonsense.

15 April 2003 - The tree in my phone stand

14 April 2003 - Pah. And Bah. And Fooey.

28 March 2003 - -

26 March 2003 - NYC Day 1