"one true love"
16 February 2003 & 22:46

Well then. An online journal, eh? Never thought anyone would catch me here. "Look at those crazy people with their online journals" I'd think. "What bizarre little exhibitionists they must be." Yes, that's right. That's what I get for thinking.

I feel as though I should write some sort of catchy little personal introduction, this being my first entry and all. Hi, my name is Betty Lou, and I enjoy romantic dinners and long walks on the beach. But you know, I've always sucked at that. In the end, I'd be ticked off with myself for rambling like an idiot, and the three people who bother reading this still wouldn't know a thing about me. So to hell with it.

I was thinking about love today. I have friends who honestly believe that we all have one true love frolicking about out there just waiting to be discovered. Heck, my own boyfriend is firmly convinced of it. And when these friends get worried that they won't find this person and will miss their only opportunity for perfect happiness, I comfort them and assure them that if such a person exists, they will be fated to find each other. But I don't think I really believe a word of it.

No, I don't think that my own dear friends are destined to a lonely life devoid of passion and companionship. Rather, I think that there are probably many people I could be perfectly happy with. Heck, I'm sure I know some of them. The way I see it, it's sort of like buying a house. There are many houses out there to choose from, and ultimately you can only choose one of them. You get quite attached to that house; it becomes a central part of your life. But you can't deny that there is another house out there that would have made you just as happy, had you found it first.

That, of course, leads me to wonder if that's the only reason I'm dating this wonderful fellow I'm with now. Is it just because I found him first? Because the location was convenient, and he�s within my price range? Had I kept shopping a little longer, would I have found a better deal? But that's a question I don't want to pursue. Moving is a lot of work, after all, and I'm quite warm and safe and content where I am. And I am, of course, very much in love. So why the random attacks of disturbing questions? It's a mystery.

Makes me wonder if maybe the "one true love" folks have the superior thought pattern, in the long run.

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16 April 2003 - Nonsense.

15 April 2003 - The tree in my phone stand

14 April 2003 - Pah. And Bah. And Fooey.

28 March 2003 - -

26 March 2003 - NYC Day 1